Medicare Part A Products

Halo Biologics is proud to present our comprehensive range of products designed to enhance the patient and physician experience. Our tailored solutions for Part A Medicare coverage ensure you receive the quality care you deserve and offer the versatility of a wide range of solutions for both simple and complex cases.

DermiPly Hydrated Acellular Dermal Matrix

DermiPly™ is a hydrated acellular dermal allograft matrix that is intended to be used as a wound covering to provide a protective barrier from the surrounding environment.

Amniotic Membrane

The AmnioPly™ portfolio of grafts are intended to be used as a wound covering to provide a protective barrier from the surrounding environment. These advanced offerings are processed and preserved to retain the biological properties for wound applications.

The UmbilaPly™ product line comprises a diverse selection of cryopreserved and lyophilized umbilical cord allografts, available in varying sizes to cater to specific clinical needs.

Liposana™ is a cryopreserved human adipose tissue allograft that is used for the repair, replacement, or reconstruction of adipose defects.


OssiGraft™ is a cryopreserved, viable bone matrix allograft containing cells in their native bone niche. OssiGraft™ is available in a variety of sizes and is intended for the repair, replacement, and reconstruction of musculoskeletal defects of the spine, pelvis, or extremities.



Discover Advanced Wound Healing Technology with the
Sanuwave UltraMist® system.
Painless, Low-Frequency (40 kHz), Non-thermal,
Non-contact Ultrasound